Day 174: Thank you, Captain Obvious

Day 174: Thank you, Captain Obvious

Day 174: Thank you, Captain Obvious

Monday, 23 June 2014

Year’s ago, a woman sued the local council for negligence after the heel of her shoe became caught in a storm drain by the side of a road. The council, she argued, failed in its duty to provide sufficient warning of the hazard. Bearing in mind this was before the advent of mobile phones, the court denied her claim, adding that people have a duty to look out for themselves. The case was hailed a win for common sense.

Of course, that’s not going to stop idiots from suing anyway, so companies have since erred on the side of caution to mitigate the potential for future claims.

This warning I’m standing in front of explains that the ground I’m standing on may be slippery when wet.

Somewhere, there is a legitimate warning I’ve ignored because I don’t have the patience to entertain this nonsense.

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